Updated: 2021-02-27
Ethereum has been around for a while, one of the main stable currencies. Currently #2 behind $BTC (Bitcoin) as the leading crypto currency.
Mining looks viable, on a RTX2080 – 35Mh
Exodus : Can be mined directly, but have seen some slowness in transfers, especially with default gas
Binance (trading, and mining) : While Binance has a dedicated wallet for trading, there’s also Binance Pool, where mining goes into a pool to be redistributed.
Mining Pools
- Ethermine [ https://ethermine.org/start ]
You can put your own address to mine to. Payout is random but supposedly every 0.05ETH (or less)
- Binance [ https://pool.binance.com/en ]
Payout: once a day (?)
Mining Apps
Payouts can be checked on the blockchain at:
EthMiner appears to be the only one that charge 0% fee of all the miners I’ve found. Not bminer, or the rest.
ethminer.exe -U -P stratum+tcp://<MiningUser>.<WorkerID>@ethash.poolbinance.com:8888
Special Setup for Binance Pool (not on the official page)
- Go to Binance Pool
- Create a Mining User (plug to above)
- WorkerID is arbitary
- https://pool.binance.com/en/statistics – to check that it’s mining into it. Payout is roughly once a day