API Reviews: CCXT and Huobi exchange

Review firstly: API Dochttps://huobiapi.github.io/docs/spot/v1/en/Changelog URLhttps://huobiapi.github.io/docs/spot/v1/en/#change-logUpdate Frequencysporratic, and not often (Jan, Mar x1, June x3 in 2022)Tax readyNoMissing:- Earn API First looks gives it a simple scan for transactions but nothing on earn for automated scripting/tax reasons Bugs: Noticing that fetchDeposits() returns ALL deposits - does not support start/endtime. Limit is…

PHP 8.2 : the Crash-list

Just a quick warning for people upgrading PHP to the latest and greatest version of PHP 8.2 (and AlmaLinux 9.1, and Remi Repo). There are a lot of programs and stuff that doesn't work with it (yet). Here's the 'crash list' that I found so far: Nextcloud 25.0.2 (Thanks for…

CCXT library drops AAX Exchange

Quick solution notes for people who still use Laravel/PHP's "ccxt/ccxt" library to access AAX exchange. The exchange's API was delisted due to the likely insolvency, but for those who still need that for code #!/bin/sh curl -o vendor/ccxt/ccxt/php/aax.php https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccxt/ccxt/2.2.63/php/aax.php if [ -z `cat vendor/ccxt/ccxt/php/Exchange.php | grep aax` ]; then #…

WODL : Binance (20221226)

This week's WODL answers hasn't been updated yet on many sites. The ones I've personally verified will be capitalized. Also, moving forward, I will tag non-current ones with dates. The current ones are without dates. Any words that come up that's not in the general 'solutions' pages in the wild…