Project revivals

Been a while since I was inspired on the tech front but now that I got a job I can afford side projects again. Looking at: * Raspberry Pi 2 * Solar Raspberry Pi 2 * Xen? * Learning Puppet * Using it to deploy new VMs. * Getting iSCSI…

CentOS 7

CentOS7 is out, with shiny new features of LXC, and stuff.. but the one feature that stands out is "in place upgrade". Guess what? it's hidden inside a RHEL page that requires registration. So much for 'useful'. So far: * CentOS 7 installs on XenServer 6.2, but fails to boot…

Fresh new page

Hello World! (ok, had to do that!) After about 15 years, I think it's time to upgrade the frontpage. Yes, I'm selling out to a CMS, but it gives me something to maintain now. I've always been a bit more introverted, but hey it's time I caught up to the…