Reinventing DevOps/SysAdmin (Intro)

The term "DevOps" have been thrown around for years. Initially just a fad (and still sort of is, as a "terminology"), it is pretty much summarized to me as System Administrator, with a lot of provisioning automation specialist stuff. The System Administrator (now "Systems Engineer") is mainly a maintainer role…

Faerie.CX goes back to the Cloud

Yes, I broke down on costs and stuff - and decided to get a hosted server :) Cost me a mint, but still a good deal from my old folks I used to work for (Web24). Too bad for our backwater Australian Internet (read:ADSL2+) for the really slow uploads. Having…

Quick roundup for Mar-Apr

Packages of note in the Internet worlds: pfSense (2.3 release) Runs off Bootstrap front end now, FreeBSD to 10.3 base. Looks very 'slick'. I did break the upgrade, cos the 'RX-offload' bug with Xen still exists in this release. Has to be turned off from the host. Code snippet given…

VPS’s and Privacy

Privacy I am so getting tired of emails being blocked by Spamhaus-PBL. This is NOT an abuse list, yet email admins are using it as a 'blocklist'. I got no probs with SBL's and stuff.. but PBL?! I'm looking at you (and any others that use it). I have…

Xen and CentOS7.2 (PV)

I always set up my CentOS VMs as PV mode (yes, I know PVHVM/etc) under FC23 host but this time it's not working. It is BROKEN. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Mounting Configuration File…