Solar Output so far

Just had the first day with solar output and charted. At this time of the day, I have gotten solar from 0800-1700. That's at least 1/3 of the day generating. The timeline will be as follows: 08:00 : Solar starts generating (Battery ~19%) 09:00 : Battery starts charging 09:45 :…

Big Techie week

BananaPi arrived * Tested with Fedora Core 20 image. Works great, but kinda bloated * Tested with Bananian. Loaded fine * Read up on how to create own images (might be next on list), to base something off Kali Linux (aka. BT5) Solar power was installed into home (13/5/15) *…

CentOS 7

CentOS7 is out, with shiny new features of LXC, and stuff.. but the one feature that stands out is "in place upgrade". Guess what? it's hidden inside a RHEL page that requires registration. So much for 'useful'. So far: * CentOS 7 installs on XenServer 6.2, but fails to boot…

Day 2 : Adventures into WordPress land

Last night got the 'show by category' hack and the 'css editing' hack. Today, Looking at cryptocurrency. Checked in with and wemineltc, and they both look dodgy and never got it working. Having said that, I'm on to helping a friend revamp her website. I had coded it from…

Fresh new page

Hello World! (ok, had to do that!) After about 15 years, I think it's time to upgrade the frontpage. Yes, I'm selling out to a CMS, but it gives me something to maintain now. I've always been a bit more introverted, but hey it's time I caught up to the…