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API Reviews: CCXT and Huobi exchange

Review firstly: API Dochttps://huobiapi.github.io/docs/spot/v1/en/Changelog URLhttps://huobiapi.github.io/docs/spot/v1/en/#change-logUpdate Frequencysporratic, and not often (Jan, Mar x1, June x3 in 2022)Tax readyNoMissing:- Earn API First looks gives it a simple scan for transactions but nothing on earn for automated scripting/tax reasons Bugs: Noticing that fetchDeposits() returns ALL deposits - does not support start/endtime. Limit is…

PHP 8.2 : the Crash-list

Just a quick warning for people upgrading PHP to the latest and greatest version of PHP 8.2 (and AlmaLinux 9.1, and Remi Repo). There are a lot of programs and stuff that doesn't work with it (yet). Here's the 'crash list' that I found so far: Nextcloud 25.0.2 (Thanks for…

CCXT library drops AAX Exchange

Quick solution notes for people who still use Laravel/PHP's "ccxt/ccxt" library to access AAX exchange. The exchange's API was delisted due to the likely insolvency, but for those who still need that for code #!/bin/sh curl -o vendor/ccxt/ccxt/php/aax.php https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccxt/ccxt/2.2.63/php/aax.php if [ -z `cat vendor/ccxt/ccxt/php/Exchange.php | grep aax` ]; then #…

WODL : Binance (20221226)

This week's WODL answers hasn't been updated yet on many sites. The ones I've personally verified will be capitalized. Also, moving forward, I will tag non-current ones with dates. The current ones are without dates. Any words that come up that's not in the general 'solutions' pages in the wild…

New lease on life?

It's been about 2 months now that I've left my last job. While it was great to get a headspace to be me again, it's also shown me that I could live off my wits mostly. Saving money here, there, and relying on a lot of life hacks to get…