Diving into Maltego in 2025

Happy 2025 Welcome back to another year of random tech stuff. Let's see what's new in the last crazy month Raspberry Pi 5 WiFi 7 (coming tomorrow) Maltego (OSINT) More IoT stuff around the place Gaming (Smite 2?) Cryptocurrency news (waiting for next boom/mining) New monitors/setup Throwing out a lot…

CloudLinux 7 issues with cPanel Updates

Yesterday was dominated by the fact that CloudLinux had released a bad iproutes package which was incompatible with the older kernels. They went through and fixed that one pretty quickly. However the new kernel is still broken (under Xen). Luckily the new iproute package (.cloudlinux.1) appears to have resolved it…

Reinventing DevOps/SysAdmin (Intro)

The term "DevOps" have been thrown around for years. Initially just a fad (and still sort of is, as a "terminology"), it is pretty much summarized to me as System Administrator, with a lot of provisioning automation specialist stuff. The System Administrator (now "Systems Engineer") is mainly a maintainer role…

Changing servers again

It's sad to keep switching server due to hardware failures - even on the cloud. I've moved it back to a private server (slow bandwidth) for a short while - back to the cloud again now. Expecting more migrations to happen in the next few days. Mail was up, now…

Migrating to Cloud

Yes, a lot of disruptions. After lamenting over the state of the Australian NBN (Fraudband) - and realizing it would take 4 days to just copy my mailserver up, I've decided to drag it all to a hard disk and bring it to somewhere where I can upload 10x the…

Faerie.CX goes back to the Cloud

Yes, I broke down on costs and stuff - and decided to get a hosted server :) Cost me a mint, but still a good deal from my old folks I used to work for (Web24). Too bad for our backwater Australian Internet (read:ADSL2+) for the really slow uploads. Having…

Quick roundup for Mar-Apr

Packages of note in the Internet worlds: pfSense (2.3 release) Runs off Bootstrap front end now, FreeBSD to 10.3 base. Looks very 'slick'. I did break the upgrade, cos the 'RX-offload' bug with Xen still exists in this release. Has to be turned off from the host. Code snippet given…