Migrating to Cloud

Yes, a lot of disruptions. After lamenting over the state of the Australian NBN (Fraudband) - and realizing it would take 4 days to just copy my mailserver up, I've decided to drag it all to a hard disk and bring it to somewhere where I can upload 10x the…

Quick roundup for Mar-Apr

Packages of note in the Internet worlds: pfSense (2.3 release) Runs off Bootstrap front end now, FreeBSD to 10.3 base. Looks very 'slick'. I did break the upgrade, cos the 'RX-offload' bug with Xen still exists in this release. Has to be turned off from the host. Code snippet given…

Xen and CentOS7.2 (PV)

I always set up my CentOS VMs as PV mode (yes, I know PVHVM/etc) under FC23 host but this time it's not working. It is BROKEN. [ OK ] Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. [ OK ] Reached target Paths. [ OK ] Reached target Basic System. Mounting Configuration File…

Mass update day

CentOS 7.2 is out, but took a day or two before it turned up on local mirror. Good thing I mirror everything, mass-updates of multi-VMs in progress. While I'm there, I'd upgrade Wordpress, and any other CMS's around. Busy day!